Sacred Mornings: A Morning Routine That (finally) Works For Me


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– 7min read

Since I’ve been a stay-at-home mom these last few years, chaos has often been my norm. My days blur together. The clock + demands of the day often tell me what to do, rather than the other way around. I’ve tried plenty of times to wake up before the kids, but even rising before the rising of the sun hasn’t stuck as well as I thought it would.

Last month, during a robotic scrolling spree on Youtube, I came across a video Evelyn From The Internets regarding her (struggle) mornings + how she created her own morning routine, and I felt like finally, somebody gets me! I no longer wanted to be mastered by lazy excuses or the whims and pulls and worries of the day. I knew I desperately needed a space at the start of my day that is mine, to be alone, to be at peace, to get my soul’s needs met before having to serve the needs that were waiting for mean eye-opening concept I wrote about recently. I knew a morning routine could probably help set the pace for my heart’s daily posture.

See, there’s a time to be like Martha (not Stewart, but this chick in the Bible I often relate to that was known for busyness, tending to the things she felt had to be done, and being stressed the hell out). And then, there’s a time to be like Mary (her sister, who was known for her stillness as she sat at the feet of Jesus to listen + learn from him). Jesus has often reminded me that I can be like Martha, where I’m so consumed with doing that I don’t know how to just be.

There is a time to get things done, to serve in meeting the needs of others, to be productive, to scribble off tasks on your to-do list. But there’s also a time to be Mary, to be quiet + still, to just sit yourself down somewhere, to be enamored with Jesus and adored by him.

Well, I wanted Mary-kinda mornings, where I make room to let God love on me and have a chance to know the beauty of stillness.


This Is Holy Ground

I thought about the many moments throughout the Bible where Jesus would peel away from the crowds to be alone, or to just spend time with 3 of his closest friends, and in that intimacy, they’d experience a new, beautiful side of his heart that they hadn’t known before. Then it hit me: this whole morning routine isn’t just another thing to be done or another you’ve-gotta-try-this sort of trend. It’s a sacred space to be transformed by transfiguration, by seeing God, myself and my life all the more beautifully.

I was also reminded of Moses–an OG of the Bible that was used in crazy ways by God to free + lead His beloved people of Israel. Dude was all by his lonesome one day, minding his business as he led his father-in-law’s flock of sheep through the wilderness, when he came to the foot of a mountain. And it was here that suddenly, a nearby bush burst into blazing flames as God’s presence overtook it. Because the bush miraculously didn’t burn, Moses was in awe–so much so that he made up his mind to step away from the flock to get a closer look.

“Moses, Moses!” God called to him from the midst of the bush. “Here I am,” the curious man replied. “Do not come near,” God said. “Take your sandals off your feet [out of respect], because the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” And as God introduced Himself to Moses as the faithful, promise-keeping God of his Hebrew forefathers, Moses hid his face in reverential fear, because he was afraid to even gaze on the glorious presence of God before him. (Feel free to dig deeper by reading Exodus 3.)

Our mornings–or whatever time our day begins–are holy ground. They are the unexpected birthplace for Divine encounters + a realignment of self. Mornings are a hallowed space we ought to view not as a luxury for well-disciplined hustlers, but a necessity for the human soul.


Finding What Works For You

Because I have a tendency to get bogged down with other people’s methods + attempt to force what worked for them to work for me, I chose to approach this forming of a morning routine to my own needs. I jotted down what I felt like my morning essentials were, just as a guide for me to keep so I know what works best for me and the things I know do my heart good:

being well rested but still waking up before the kids // silence // worship music // reading + studying the Bible // journaling // making my bed // reading over my goals // setting my intentions for the day // reading past journal entries

No morning has looked the same. Sometimes I wake slow, remain quiet and journal what’s on my heart or what I believe God is speaking to me. Other days, it’s just listening to a worship song, reading a passage of scripture + meditating (chewing on) the truths spoken. I’ve really loved the fluid flow of my mornings, which is huge for a recovering perfectionist like me who can often miss out on the beauty of spontaneity because of strict plans + an overachiever attitude. However different my morning may look from day to day, what remains a grounding constant are a small handful of these essentials. And because they’re all things I love, it’s made my mornings something I actually look forward to + enjoy, because I’m making space to do that which I love + fills me up.

Since leaning into these “sacred mornings,” I have felt much more grounded, better focused + a lot less anxious.
Yes, there are still moments throughout the day where I lose my cool because of crayon scribbles on the floor or wall, petty fights over toys, or someone’s refusal to take a nap. But because of the time I took in the morning to be filled, it’s in the hot mess moments that I recall the truths from that time to empower me to love well.


Do you have a morning routine? If so, what are your morning essentials? How does your routine prepare your heart for the day?
If you don’t have a morning routine, what’s stopping you from creating your own?
What are some little things you can incorporate into the start of your day to give yourself the space to just be?

I pray, for your own soul’s sake, you’ll do whatcha gotta do to set some time aside to cultivate + enjoy your sacred mornings. We make room for the things that matter most to us, and perhaps this is one small yet mighty way of clearing space for the most neglected parts of us to be nurtured.


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